N3C Domain Teams

N3C Domain Teams enable researchers with shared interests analyze data within the N3C Data Enclave and collaborate more efficiently in a team science environment. These teams provide an opportunity to collect pilot data for grant submissions, train algorithms on larger datasets, inform clinical trial design, learn how to use tools for large scale data, and validate results. Domain Teams are enabled by Slack channels for discussion, meetings, and document management and are supported by N3C. N3C encourages researchers of all levels to join a Domain Team that represents their interests, or to suggest new clinical areas to explore. A Domain Team can submit one or more research projects, but collaboration is encouraged for similar concepts.
Types of Domain Teams
Multi-discipline Clinical Domain Teams focus on clinical questions surrounding .....impact on health conditions and consist of clinical and subject matter experts, statisticians, informaticists, and machine learning specialists. Cross-Cutting Domain Teams have a varied focus that applies to multiple domains.
To get started with N3C and gain access to the N3C Data Enclave, please view the Researcher Essentials webpage
Domain Team Testimonial
Domain Teams
Kidney Disease
The Kidney Disease Clinical Domain Team aims to investigate risk factors associated with kidney injury and recovery, as well as use of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) in relation to COVID-19.
COVID-19 Vaccination
The goal of this Domain Team is to study the impact of vaccinations for combating the COVID-19 pandemic.
Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery
The Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery Domain Team seeks to establish risk factors for morbidity and mortality in COVID-19 patients who underwent cardiothoracic surgical procedures.
Cardiovascular Disease
The mission of the Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Domain Team is to better understand the effects of COVID-19 on patients with new and existing cardiovascular disease.
Critical Care, Ventilation, Multi-organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS)
The Critical Care/Ventilation/Multi-organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS) Clinical Domain Team aims to define and characterize the phenotypes of multiple organ dysfunction and complex disease trajectories among hospitalized patients with COVID-19.
Diabetes & Obesity
The Diabetes and Obesity Clinical Domain Team aims to address questions regarding the relationship between diabetes and/or obesity and COVID-19.
Elder Impact
The Elder Impact Clinical Domain Team aims to complete a descriptive study to illustrate the impacts of COVID-19 on older adults and those with dementia/functional limitations.
Environmental Health
The Environmental Health Domain Team aims to study and understand the impact of environmental exposures on post-acute sequelae of COVID (PASC), also known as Long COVID, and other COVID-19 phenotypes.
Gastroenterology and Hepatology (GI/Liver)
The Gastroenterology and Hepatology Domain Team aims to gain a better understanding of how SARS-Cov-2 infection affects patient populations with chronic gastrointestinal and liver diseases.
The goal of the Hematology Domain Team is to use the N3C Data Enclave to characterize the epidemiology, outcomes, and severity of COVID-19 in patients with a broad spectrum of hematological diseases.
The Imaging Domain Team seeks to explore the knowledge that can be gained about the relationship between radiological imaging features and COVID-19 as well as to identify and better understand what variables in this space can be used to predict disease and outcome characteristics.
Immunosuppressed or Compromised (ISC)
The Immunosuppressed/Compromised (ISC) Clinical Domain Team aims to gain a better understanding of how COVID-19 affects patient populations with suppressed or compromised immune systems.
Lifespan Disabilities
The mission of the Lifespan Disabilities Domain Team is to advance practices and policies that improve the education, access, and health of all people with developmental and other disabilities.
Musculoskeletal (MSK)
The Musculoskeletal Clinical Domain Team aims to characterize musculoskeletal (MSK) symptoms in acute and long-COVID-19.
The Neurology Clinical Domain Team will explore associations between COVID-19 and neurological disease, including associated neurologic symptoms and disease-related neurologic outcomes.
The Nursing Domain Team aims to apply the holistic perspective of nursing science and related fields to N3C activities through generation of project ideas, analysis of N3C data, identification of data gaps, and generation of resources.
The Oncology Clinical Domain Team is studying outcomes of cancer patients who contract COVID-19.
Oral Health
The Oral Health Domain Team is focused on understanding the impact of COVID-19 and Long COVID on the clinical progression, outcomes, and treatment optimization of dental patients.
Pain, Substance Use Disorder, and Behavioral Health
The Pain, Substance Use Disorder, and Behavioral Health team aims to answer questions regarding the impact of COVID-19 on pain, substance use, and mood.
The Pediatrics Clinical Domain Team aims to study the unique impact of COVID-19 on children from birth to young adulthood.
The Perioperative Domain Team is focused on understanding the impact of COVID-19 on the treatment and outcomes of surgical patients.
The goal of the Pharmacoepidemiology Clinical Domain Team is to evaluate important, empirically testable hypotheses regarding the use, safety, and effectiveness of therapies for COVID-19 using a limited dataset from the N3C.
The Pregnancy Clinical Domain Team aims to leverage N3C data to gain insights into pressing COVID-19 questions around pregnancy.
Rural Health
The Rural Health Domain Team seeks to understand the epidemiology, utilization, treatment, and outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic in rural communities. The overarching goal is to develop better evidence for potential differences in the COVID-19 epidemic response and outcomes for rural health care centers and rural dwellers.
The goal of the Sleep Domain Team is to support the design and execution of studies that are leveraging sleep disorders and related phenotypes.
Social Drivers of Health (SDoH)
The Social Drivers of Health (SDoH) Clinical Domain Team aims to understand better the role of SDOH in COVID-19 and long-term COVID-19 incidence and outcomes. We work on data quality, data engineering, and health outcomes research. We use demographics, healthcare utilization trends, individual levels of SDoH, and area-level SDoH variables for analysis.
Cross Cutting Teams
Applicable Data Methods & Standards (ADM&S)
The Applicable Data Methods & Standards (ADM&S) Domain Team aims to explore which data methods & standards are applicable to the range of questions researchers will pursue within N3C.
Education and Training
The Education and Training Domain Team will house education-related data use requests and provide support to mentors, instructors, and learners.
The Genomics Domain Team will explore issues related to genomics and COVID-19.
Machine Learning (ML)
The purpose of the Machine Learning (ML) Domain Team is to develop code and documentation to illustrate ML best practices in the N3C Data Enclave and to collaborate on selected ML topics.
Linking the observations in EHRs with related biomedical knowledge will greatly expand the scope of EHR-based research. The goal of this working group is to demonstrate the use of these mappings in support of important new investigations of COVID-19.
Pharma - Commercial
The vision of the Pharma-Commercial Domain Team is to maximize engagement with commercial groups to support the increased use and utility of N3C resources and community for research on COVID-19.
Inactive Domain Teams
GIS and Spatial Epidemiology
The GIS and Spatial Epidemiology (GSE) domain team facilitates the technical implementation of basic and advanced GIS and spatial statistical methods within the N3C Enclave.