Enclave Essentials
The N3C Data Enclave is a secure platform through which harmonized clinical data provided by our contributing members are stored. The Enclave includes demographic and clinical characteristics of patients who have been tested for or diagnosed with COVID-19, and further information about the strategies and outcomes of treatments for those suspected or confirmed to have the virus. Additional data from publicly available datasets, claims data, and mortality is also available to support studies. For more information on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, see the N3C Phenotype.

Three tiers of access are available for users depending on the scope and nature of their research; however, all will require verification and approval by the Data Access Committee (DAC) before data can be accessed. Data can be accessed only within the N3C Data Enclave and cannot be downloaded or removed. You can also learn more about the levels of data access on the N3C Data Overview page of the NCATS website.
Returning Users
N3C Data Enclave access requires two-factor authentication. After logging in with your institutional credentials, a prompt will appear to enter a 1-time code from the authenticator app previously downloaded during the registration process. (ex. DUO, Free OTP, Google Authenticator, or Microsoft Authenticator).
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New Users
N3C invites you to begin your journey within the Enclave and join the collaborative efforts of our partners to better understand and address the most pressing COVID-19 clinical questions.
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