This repository is under review for potential modification in compliance with Administrative directives.

N3C Registration Instructions

Thank you for your interest in the National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C).

Please follow the steps below to register to N3C:

Register for membership

The form will collect your profile information (name, email, etc), and provide additional instructions.

Register for membership

Follow the instructions provided in the form (and detailed below) to gain access to the N3C Team Drive, google groups, Slack, and Calendar/meeting invitations.

Applications for membership will be reviewed/approved rapidly during the week, but may extend to 48 hours over weekends. Your patience and understanding is appreciated.

Details for Workstreams

Provides helpful links for all N3C Workstreams, Subgroups, and Task Teams and includes information about Google Drive, Notes, GitHub repos, etc.

N3C Researcher Essentials

Contains important information on how to get started, such as N3C Data Enclave registration instructions, links to governance documents, and current DUA signatories.

N3C Governance Documents

Contains the Data Transfer Agreement (DTA) and other important information such as the OMOP common data specifications.

NCATS Resources

Visit the NCATS N3C page to find additional governance documents, answers to frequently asked questions, and important resources.

Welcome aboard! Please let us know how we can help improve your collaborative experience with N3C by contacting Please help us increase the impact of N3C and invite your colleagues to join the collaboration here.

N3C Workstream and Subgroup MAILING LISTS (Google Groups) -- To join the specific mailing lists, apply for membership at the links below:

NameGoogle Group NameGoogle Group Link
Data Ingestion & Harmonizationn3c-harmonization@googlegroups.comJoin
Data Partnership & Governancen3c-governance@googlegroups.comJoin
Phenotype & Data Acquisitionn3c-phenotype@googlegroups.comJoin
Synthetic Clinical Datan3c-synthetic@googlegroups.comJoin
Collaborative Analyticsn3c-analytics@googlegroups.comJoin
Portal and Dashboardsn3c-portals-dashboards@googlegroups.comJoin
Tools and Resourcesn3c-tools-resources@googlegroups.comJoin
Clinical Scenariosn3c-clinical@googlegroups.comJoin
Natural Language Processing (NLP)n3c-nlp@googlegroups.comJoin

Workstream   Subgroup

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