Publication Review
N3C Publication Committee
The N3C Publication Committee was organized to: (1) Facilitate inclusive and appropriate attribution (2) Troubleshoot authorship questions regarding N3C publications or efforts (3) Track the output of the N3C Community (4) Promote awareness of disseminated information
Learn more by viewing the Attribution and Publication Principles for N3C
Submit All Publications for Review and/or Tracking
Fill out and submit the N3C Publication Intent Form - Your Data Use Request (DUR) was previously approved by the Data Access Committee (DAC). Now that you have a research product that is ready for publication, please fill out and submit the Publication Intent Form, which will notify the Publication Committee that you have a manuscript or other research product to be registered. (Other works include: posters, blogs, press releases, oral abstracts, podium presentations, etc.)
Per the N3C Attribution and Publication Principles, all works using N3C community resources must be reviewed by the Publication Committee. This includes full length manuscripts as well as abstracts and podium presentations; however, only manuscripts undergo full review and all other works are expedited.
A manuscript draft must be made available along with the submission of the Publication Intent Form in order for the Publication Committee to perform the review. Submit a draft to the Committee at least 2+ weeks before the journal submission deadline to allow for ample review time.
You can email a Word/PDF version of your manuscript draft to or provide a Google doc link with shared permission for Publication Committee reviewers.
The Download Committee, who works in tandem with the Publication Committee, must review and approve data used for tables, figures, and other reporting in your publication as defined in the N3C Results Download Policy. Fill out a Download Request Form inside the N3C Data Enclave and allow 48 business day hours for approval. The Publication Committee cannot release your publication until all data downloads have been first reviewed and approved by the Download Committee.
Use the N3C Paper Status Update Form to submit any revisions or updates to your publication.
Manuscript Draft Review - All submitted manuscript drafts will be reviewed by the Publication Committee to verify overall scope and compatibility with the DUR and ensure compliance with ICMJE Guidelines, as well as the guidelines outlined in the N3C Attribution & Publication Principles and N3C User Code of Conduct. Other works mentioned above are submitted for tracking purposes only and do not require a response from the Publication Committee.
The Publication Committee will look at the overall scope of your manuscript draft. Committee members will ensure that your manuscript matches what was approved by the Data Access Committee (DAC) in the Data Use Request (DUR), that it complies with the N3C Data User Code of Conduct, and that all data downloads from the N3C Data Enclave have been verified and approved by the Data Download Committee.
Your manuscript will also be reviewed for compliance with ICMJE Guidelines and appropriate inclusion of Masthead Authorship, Consortial Collaborators, and In-Text Acknowledgments.
Manuscripts are considered to be either Consortium Manuscripts (involve the N3C vision, methodology, data description, quality assurance, community development, infrastructure, harmonization, governance, administration) or Individual Project-Based Manuscripts (do not involve substantial contributions from the N3C workstreams and do not represent N3C as a whole; the result of one or more DURs).
Ensure that all contributors have filled out the N3C Contributors Form for the manuscript to clarify the nature of their contributions together with the contributor affiliations, ORCiD, funding acknowledgments, and conflicts of interest.
The Publication Committee will ensure that your manuscript matches what was approved by the Data Access Committee (DAC) in the Data Use Request (DUR), that it complies with the N3C Data User Code of Conduct and ICMJE Guidelines for authorship, and that all data downloads have been verified and approved. The Publication Committee Chair or other representative will reach out to the corresponding author if there are issues to address.
You should receive a response from the Publication Committee within 10 business days. (Turnaround times can vary if additional information needs to be requested.)
Ensure that you have included the following applicable statements in your work:
"Authorship was determined using ICMJE recommendations."
- Acknowledgment statement below for all publications and preprints using relevant grant numbers and citing the N3C marker paper. See the full list of acknowledgement statements.
"The analyses described in this [publication/report/presentation] were conducted with data or tools accessed through the NCATS N3C Data Enclave and N3C Attribution & Publication Policy v 1.2-2020-08-25b supported by NCATS U24 TR002306, Axle Informatics Subcontract: NCATS-P00438-B, and [insert additional funding agencies or sources and reference numbers as declared by the contributors in their form response above]. This research was possible because of the patients whose information is included within the data and the organizations ( and scientists who have contributed to the on-going development of this community resource []."
- Citing the Institutional Development Award (IDeA) Program grant: For all publications involving an academic institution that resides at a Clinical and Translational Research (CTR) site, the following acknowledgment statement must be included: