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N3C External Datasets

Publicly Available External Datasets

Publicly available datasets (PADs) made openly available for download can be recommended for ingestion into the N3C Data Enclave. To support researchers with this process and to ensure security and privacy within the environment, a formal policy for external data incorporation has been created by N3C and NCATS. All requested datasets will be evaluated in accordance with this policy after submitting a Request for Use and Access form. If approved, the external datasets will be accessible to researchers.

Browse Ingested Datasets

A list of public datasets that have been ingested into the N3C Data Enclave, along with their associated metadata, can be viewed after logging into the Data Enclave and navigating to the External Dataset entry of the Data Catalog. These datasets are available to all N3C Data Enclave users. An in-depth tutorial for bringing these datasets into your workspace is provided in Enclave Orientation Session B. (See adjacent video.)

Researchers can also use the publicly available N3C External Dataset Registry to view all datasets in the Enclave, as well as datasets that are in the process of being imported. The Registry allows users to filter and view datasets based on status: "Imported", "Denied", "In-Review", "Ready for Import". Datasets that are "Ready for Import" will be uploaded into the Enclave within 5 business days. Datasets that are "In-Review" are under committee review to ensure data specifications have been met before being allowed for import. External dataset status is updated in real time, to the extent possible.



Enclave Orientation Session B

Request External Dataset Ingestion

If a researcher is interested in an external dataset that is not found within the Data Catalog or External Dataset Registry, they can request that it be evaluated for ingestion. To submit a dataset for the evaluation process, please visit the CD2H Data Discovery Engine and fill out the form under "Submit Request". You will be required to login through Unified NCATS Authentication (UNA) and provide supplemental information about the dataset itself.

After a submission, the researcher will be notified through email about the results of the evaluation process, and if the dataset is approved, they will be informed on further steps to gain access.

External Dataset Support

For questions or comments about the dataset access or approval process, please visit the N3C Support Desk and click on "Request Support". When filling out the form, please select "Submitting Data/Data Quality" as the type of issue and an N3C representative will respond with more information.

Please see A Policy Framework for Inclusion of Uploaded Publicly Available External Data Sets in the N3C Data Enclave for more information on access requirements. The document outlines the policy for requesting inclusion of an external dataset, approval for inclusion in the N3C Data Enclave, and request for use of the external dataset once it is available in the Enclave. This policy and process is designed to help manage the privacy and security of the patient data.